2018 Q2 Net Worth

These numbers were calculated on July 1st, 2018.

I moved back to California in June, choosing to move in to a house with some friends and transferring work with the same company. I will be spending around the same amount on travel expenses and will save a lot on housing expenses.

I am prioritizing paying off my debts starting with my car loan (which was a poor financial decision) and then the rest of my student loans. I am continuing to invest, although I have not been contributing more money. I am working on growing the account organically. I have also been learning a lot about real estate, specifically buy and hold for cash flow.


ASSETS (Over last Q)

Retirement savings accounts Investment accounts Liquid cash
Q1 2018 $41,126.85 $10,978.61 $5,970.66
Q2 2018 $46,719.55 $17,922.21 $7,146.15
% Change +13.6% +63.2% +19.7%

Current Assets = $71,787.91

The growth in Investment Accounts is inflated because I added in my HSA, which I forgot to add previously. I am also growing my savings account after depleting it from buying the car.


Liabilities (Q over Q)

Student loans/CC Car
Q1 2018 $25,704.39 $23,416.47
Q2 2018 $23,779.68 $20,333.54
%Change -7.5% -13.2%

= –$44,113.22

After decreasing expenses this past quarter, I will be putting at least 50% of my after tax income towards paying off debt, at least for the time being.

Net worth:  71,787.91 – 44,113.22 = $27,674.69


Since Previous Quarter (2018 Q1) Net worth

Assets: 71,787.91  – 61,536.31 / 61,536.31 = +16.7%

Liabilities: 44,113.22 – 49,102.96 / 49,102.96 = -10.2%

NW: 27,674.69 – 12,415.35 = +15,259.34, +123.0%

I feel like I am finally starting to get some momentum with my finances. There are a lot of factors including a continuing bull market which has been great for my investments, slowing increasing my income, decreasing expenses, and getting settled into my new life routines.


I don’t foresee any big expenses coming up so I should be able to continue making solid progress with debt. I am also motivated to start moving on real estate investing and am hoping to make a transaction in 2019.


My goal is to build lasting wealth with passive income to give me freedom with time and choices. Thank you for your support!