Category Archives: Net Worth

2018 Q2 Net Worth

These numbers were calculated on July 1st, 2018. I moved back to California in June, choosing to move in to a house with some friends and transferring work with the same company. I will be spending around the same amount on travel expenses and will save a lot on housing

Net Worth 2018 Q1

It has been a crazy year and I ended up skipping the past 3 quarterly updates. The purpose of this website is to track my financial journey to financial independence so I am going to keep it at that. With all the financial changes I had in the past year,

2017 Q2 Net Worth

On we go. The mid point of 2017. The most significant financial occurrence this quarter was that we refinanced our student loans. The only thing I regret is not doing it sooner. We basically took about 130k at 6.8% interest down to 30k at 3.25% and 100k at 4.00%. Amazing.

Net Worth 2017 Q1

Hello and welcome to the Q1 recap of 2017! It was a good first quarter overall. We took a family trip to Japan which was not nearly as expensive as our Europe trip last year but set us back a couple thousand although our plane tickets were on last year’s

2016 Financial Review

Hello and welcome to my 2016 financial review! It was a blessed year with lots of new experiences and learning. From a financial standpoint, I received a small raise at the beginning of the summer (around 8%) and my wife started a new job in the fall that also gave

Net Worth Q3 2016

Welcome to the next installment of my quarterly net worth! It was an uneventful quarter as far as finances go. We moved to a new apartment that we love a lot more but is more expensive. I started a new position within the same company that is a move in

Q2 2016 Net Worth

Here we are, halfway through 2016. I am just a 26 year old guy with a wonderful wife, a few big dreams, and a ton of student loans. We rent small apartments and own old cars because we are pursuing financial independence. Paying off debt is our main financial concern,

Q1 2016 Net Worth

We made some good progress in a quiet first quarter of the year. We are steadily moving forward in our journey to get out of debt and achieve financial independence. After graduating from college a few years ago, I joined the rat race and started making my way up the

Q3 2015 Net Worth

We are 3 quarters in to 2015! Finances in the last quarter (July through September) have remained steady as both my wife and I have had pay increases in the past few months (me with a small promotion and her with taking on more clients) which has offset slight increased

June 2015 Net Worth

So remember that part in my intro where I said I would be painfully honest with my finances? Well, this is the painful part, sort of. Welcome to my first net worth post. Let me give you a bit of background. Our net worth is negative. I finished my bachelors